Friday, December 19, 2008

Zachary update 12-18-2008

Well they tried him on the cannula again but that didn't last long. He did fine while I was holding him for 3 hours but as soon as I had to move him and put him back in the isolette he started bradying. He did it 4 more times while I went back to my office so by the time I returned at 6 to meet the hubby he was back on CPAP.

So eventually he'll get off of it but his brain still needs some time. They said usually the main reason they brady is their brain isn't fully ready to assume remembering to breathe all the time. The CPAP although he's breathing on his own always it keeps the aveoli open so if he forgets to breathe for a moment they're open and getting oxygen.

His first eye exam was good the doctor found no issues after dialating his eyes. So yay for the most part as we can tell now his eyes are forming normally. There's no way to see if there's sight loss until he's older but I'll take well forming eyes any day :P

Other than those issues he did pretty well Thursday. Hopefully, we'll know more about the status of his PDA Friday after his echo.

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