Friday, December 12, 2008

12-12-2008 Zachary Update

Yesterday was a BIG day for Mr. Zachary. They took him off the ventilator and put him on CPAP he is now OFFICALLY breathing on his own. He was at mid 40s Oxygen all yesterday while he acclimated but that's to be expected. Yesterday he only had 1 Apnea episode and it was after he ate. He tends to hold his breath when he's pushing out gas or poo so that's not abnormal. As long as he doesn't start having apnea 1x + per hour he won't be re-intubated.

He's doing great today his nurse said. They've increased feeds to 25 ccs x 8 x per day woot. I know yesterday he was having a FIT when he didn't get fed right at the hour. I mean thrashing around in his incubator like the attitude of fine you're not going to feed me I'm going to rise up out of this isolette and Go FIND my OWN food ROFL. Yesteray I was trying to soothe him to calm him down but he was having NONE of it. All he wanted was food and he was going to continue thrashing about and screaming until he got it. Sooo, hopefully on the larger feeds he won't be screaming as much about next feeding time.

Today he's been down to 36% oxygen all day and at the lowest level for their CPAP which is level 6 (that's the pressure). They said once we get the oxygen down to what we breathe 21% ish or low 20s high teens then they'll look at putting him on the cannula (just oxygen up the nose). So he'll probably be on CPAP for 1-2 weeks hopefully that's it and his lungs are ready to do it on their own completely with no positive pressure to keep the air sacks open. The one nurse mentioned level 5 for pressure but yesterday the nurse said usually 6 is the lowest they go in the NICU so we'll see.

The nurse said he was fussing much less today so that's a good sign! Keep up the great work Zachary!


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