Sunday, December 28, 2008

12-28-2008 Zachary Update

He was doing somewhat ok he looked paler than normal and brady'd at least 2 times while I was there. They may need to weight adjust his caffeine again which we noticed last time he was bradying a lot (ie heart rate getting dangerously low). It was our eldest's birthday so we didn't get to stay very long today. I did hold him for about an hour and a half. He's very happy while being held.

He's up to 33 cc's at each feeding so he's growing fast! He's now 4lbs 1 ounce! He's more than doubled his at birth weight. It's amazing how fast they grow. He feels to me like a normal size baby now :).

Funny story yesterday he got his feet down on my legs (as he loves to do) and decided to pick up his head and entire body with he legs and arms. I wasn't expecting this and had my head down near his and he nearly bonked me in the head ROFL. So I'd say it's a good sign he's feeling better to have that kind of energy. He's all muscle!

Not sure if they're still going to try him on the cannula tomorrow or the 1st but I'm hoping they up the caffeine before trying again just in case.

All in all a busy but productive day. Zach's doing better and better each day and that's all we can hope for!


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