Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Zachary Update 12-10-2008

He's been good all day and the evening. His oxygen has been in the upper 20s throughout the day. He's been tolerating all his feeds well and making healthy diapers.

Tonight at 12am they're taking him down to 20 bpm on his vent so that's the lowest setting he can be on before they take him off the vent completely. Hopefully, this will last and we only have to wait a few days before they take him off. With luck he won't extubate and restart the process all over. So pray for him that this is the final stretch as far as the vent is concerned.

They're running some labs in the morning for thyroid function to make sure that his needing sodium and potassium is just from the diuretcs and not something else. With all the thyroid problems in our family it's no telling but I do hope it's nothing and just due to the other medicine he's on to close the PDA.

So he's sleeping well and doing good overall.


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