Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Zachary Update 12-16-2008

He was resting peacefully this morning so I didn't mess with him much tried to see if he wanted his pacifier and he was more interested in sleeping :P they've got him in his blue snuggy again it's really cute. I brought more socks for him since he seemed to keep running out.

He's still on CPAP and probably will be for several more days while they determine what to do about his PDA. It's not closing fast enough that they'd like and his heart ventricles (2 of them) are starting to enlarge to accomodate that excess blood being pumped through that extra artery. They're hoping the CPAP etc will encourage his body to close the PDA as the lungs request more blood support. The PDA being open puts strain on the heart so they're getting a consult from a Cardiologist on the matter. We'll know more after they do the echo at the end of the week.

He was down to 26% oxygen this morning which is stellar and still at level 5 for CPAP the lowest setting it will go to. This is all very good meaning he's breating well on his own and nearly down to the % of oxygen we breathe around 21%.

He was 3 lbs 3 ounces last time they weighed him and he's still 16.5 inches (42 cm) long ;).

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