Monday, December 15, 2008

12-14-2008 Zachary Update

Andy went to see the baby today and just as he got there they'd moved Zachary off the CPAP and onto the Cannula (sp). That's just some tubes to give him oxygen nothing else ie he's having absolutely no help on breathing. The CPAP gave positive pressure and he went on that on Thursday. I'm amazed they took him off the CPAP so quickly.

They say they'll start trying to bottle/breast feed once he works out his breathing and stops the dstat/apnea episodes. He's still doing them after he eats etc so it may take him a bit to stop doing that but once they subside they'll work on the feeding without a tube.

I'm really amazed at how fast he's progressing I mean usually it was weeks with the ventilator I'm not used to things moving so fast in a matter of days.

He's also up to 28 ml x 8 / day = 224 ml/day.

His Baby shower was really nice today we had a lot of fun and got a lot of great things for Zachary. I went to Babys R Us and Target and got most of everything else we'll need so I think we're mostly ready :).

The hope is he'll be able to come home mid January - Early Februrary. That's my best guess going by his weight, current progression etc. His original due date was first week in Februrary and that's generally when they get to come home. Of course he's doing everything kind of quickly soo who knows :P So I've only got good news to report for little Zachary atm. Tomorrow (Monday) I start my 4:45 am mornings (ugh). But at least I'll get to see Zach many times throughout the day and spend a good amount of time in the morning/evening with him :). Yay for work in the building connected to his hospital :P.


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