Sunday, December 21, 2008

12-20-2008 Zachary Update

He was pretty tired still today just like yesterday. I couldn't hold him for long as he started Bradying soon after holding him. Graned he did seem to be having some gas pains and moving him may have moved some gas bubbles which caused him some pain. So I mostly let him be today so he could rest.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day for him and he seems more like himself. I read that most of the Apnea and Brady spells usually clear up by gestational week 44 that's mid to end of Februrary. So we'll just have to wait a while and see. His breating wasn't very regular today he was doing a lot of what they call periodic breathing hopefully it's a progression step of his lungs /breathing mechanisms.

Keep your prayers going for Zach he needs them right now to close his PDA and get off the CPAP and start feeding normally.


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