Thursday, December 25, 2008

Zachary Christmas Update

Well he was doing very well today I held him for a long time becuase every time he thought I was moving him to put him back he'd start crying like you were killing him. Also, he had a good hold on my hair (he loves it) and if you tried to move it or take it out of his hand he'd throw a royal fit lol. So I'd say he's feeling pretty well today.

Some volunteer groups had Santa come around to visit all the babies and they took photos I've got Zach's photo with Santa on the flickr site. Also, they dropped off blankets from project linus. Our Girl Scout Troop had been thinking of doing them for kids in the hospital and it's nice to see there are lots of groups that do they did a wonderful job on the blanket Zach received.

He's up to 3 lbs 14 ounces almost 4 pounds ! He's getting big and heavy that may not sound like a lot but you'd be surprised how much that weighs hehe.

They're going to try the cannual for a 3rd time on Monday 29th and if they don't think he's well then they'll try again on the 1st. We'll see he's doing much better with fewer and fewer dstats/Bradys etc He's had no Bradys or Apnea for several days so he may be ready for the cannula. The only thing is his oxygen has been going up a bit from 26% to mid 30s. They say it's from fluid in his lungs either he'll clear it out or they'll need to give medicine to do so. They're waiting to see a few days how his oxygen requirements are and decide if he needs medicine or not so far they're leaving him be.

He's up to 31ccs now on his feeds that a little over an ounce a feeding! He's growing fast and starting to take in more food which is good. He's been tolerating his feeds well :).

His Echo on Tues was good nothing is getting worse. They can't really tell if the PDA is any smaller it looks about the same size. Although we'd like it to be closing more at least it's not getting bigger. His heart looks good and the ventricles that are enlarged aren't getting any bigger so that's also a positive. So at this time they're not recommending surgery for the PDA they're just going to try go get him off the CPAP so his lungs are working harder and that should tell his body to close the PDA and therefore not need the surgery. The catch 22 is more stress on the heart can mean congestive heart failure in which case they'd have to do the surgery. So we'll see so far it's a waiting game.

Not much else to report other than we're waiting for him to grow some more :) most of his issues will resolve as he gets bigger.

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