Monday, January 26, 2009

1-26-2009 Zachary Update

He's doing pretty well today and that's good considering yesterday he didn't wake up for a 12+ hour period. We noticed that the third day being off supplemented milk(extra calories) that he just wouldn't wake up for feedings at all. He'd fight you if you did his vitals so we knew he wasn't sick but he was just too exhausted to even wake up. Usually they ween them down from 27 calories they ween to 24 then to just regular breastmilk which is 20-22 calories not just cold turkey. On top of all that he didn't gain weight for 2 days and 3rd night he lost a bit. Needless to say I was getting concerned since we had to tube feed him most of the day yesterday. So I talked to his Doctor and she put him back on supplemented milk up to 24 calories. Within 1-2 hours after he got the extra calories milk he was awake and back to his more normal self. He was even breathing better.

So the rest of last night went well and he gained weight (course he hadn't pooped yet by the time he was weighed). Since he pooped a HUGE amount this morning he's probably at 6 lbs 1 ounces. He's also 18 inches long.

Today they took him from 1 liter down to 3/4ths a liter for his oxygen pressure. This is a good sign slowly weening him down. Awesome thing is he hasn't needed any higher amount of oxygen he's still been getting down to 21% occassionally (that's what we breathe) he keeps that up they'll turn it down again until hopefully (I pray) that before he goes home he'll be off of it.

They keep talking about sending him home on oxygen I'm just going to be more aggressive with the nurses to keep it down. It's more a function of them being lazy and not wanting to micromanage his oxygen. IMO tough crap. If he goes home on oxygen there's no mixing so it's 100% all the time which is VERY bad for his eyes which his are still growing. He's still not on full feeds and they toned him back to 4 feeds a day from 6. They still think he's having issues because he won't take a full amount they're trying to give him. He thinks he's full so he stops. Other than yesterday he often will play etc after being "done" in his opinion, which tells me he doesn't stop becuase he's tired he stops because he thinks he's full and wants to play/explore.

That's a hard concept to sell the Doctor on. She's just a fill-in while his doctor is on vacation anyway. I'm not too worried that we can't get him back on full feeds once she gets back. At any rate the longer he has that tube that longer we have to work on weening him off the oxygen :P So although it's annoying to not be able to feed him w/out that tube most of the day at least it buys us some time. He can always use the extra rest anyway.

So all in all he's doing well, no date yet or even talks about when he'll be going home. They usually do circumsicions 1-2 days before they go home and that's not been scheduled yet either so still a few weeks off probably.



Unknown said...

Tell them you'll have him circumcised later, much later, after he's finished with all other medical intervention. He's gone through enough. He doesn't need people cutting on his most sensitive part. It's not painless, no matter how much anesthetic they used. And, he could have problems. Here's what happened to another preemie who was circumcised:

Circumcision isn't even medically necessary. Poor little guy...

Zelexis Wellings said...

I know I've talked to my hubby about the circumcision many times. He really feels it would benefit him in the long run, cleanliness etc. Mind you have many uncircumcised friends and they seem to clean themselves just fine :P sure it's more maintenance but once you learn how to keep it clean it's really not a big deal.

Ohh well we'll see. Zach is doing quite well these days and we'll have to gauge how he is when they suggest doing it. If they don't bring it up then I'll get it done later. I just worry about it making him need oxygen again :( and setting him back.

Unknown said...

I read a great article when we were considering not circumcising Mason (because hubby and all the other boys are cut). When your uncircumcised child asks why his wee wee looks different from daddy's, you simply tell him that doctors cut daddy's wee wee when he was little because they thought that was what they should do...but by the time your child was born, they knew it was no longer necessary. Trust me - your child will THANK you for not letting them cut his wee wee. ;)

And, even if you decide to have it done, there is NO rush. They do NOT need to have it done in the first weeks.

Mason is uncircumcised and we've had no problems at all. He's 31 months old now.