Friday, January 9, 2009

1-09-2009 Zachary Update

Well I'm happy to report he's back to his normal feeling well self etc. He does need to get another shot today Hep-B but it doesn't have thirmersol in it so I'm guessing this 1 will not be as bad as the 4 he got the other day.

He didn't want to wake up for nursing but he'd take the pacifier and suckle vigorously so I asked the nurse again if they had nipple shields. I'd heard they do well for babies that have trouble latching on. His problem is more 1. He doesn't want to wake up :P and 2. He's not opening his mouth wide enough.

When he's fully awake he nurses perfectly doesn't need any aids or anything. But the shield worked really well much better than I had expected! He got more milk in a shorter amount of time so I was impressed. Needless to say if he's sleepy again I'll keep trying it. It's always better if they can nurse unaided but I have no problem getting him to learn faster with some help.

He's gaining weight well and they went up on his feeds again to 40 ccs x 8 per day. He's probably right at 5lbs or barely under. He lost a bit one day but gained it back the next day. He usually gains 30g -50g a day depending on how active he was throughout the day.

So overall much better than the scare we had the other evening/night. He hasn't had any brady's at all and only a minor dstat here or there and only associated with feeding which is normal for him.

His eye exam also came back with good sign. It's not progressing any worse still stage 2 ROP and his vessels have grown out even farther and almost into Zone 3 which is where he's home free. Most of the ridge that's started to form on his retina will go away in a few weeks to a month and it just requires follow-up eye exams at this time. So hopefully that will continue to be the case and his eyes will recover well.


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