Friday, January 2, 2009

01-01-2009 Zachary Update

Well today he was more tired than yesterday it seemed. I was able to attempt breast feeding for the first time yesterday and he did really well. Today, he was too tired and really didn't do much. He had a few brady's overnight and those tend to tire him out a lot. I'm going to try waiting until 3pm again like I did the first day to breastfeed him as he seems to be more awake then and have more energy. Midday just isn't a good time for him.

He had another eye exam today the doctor didn't say anything but she didn't seem like she had any pressing issues. We'll get an overview from his main doctor regarding her findings tomorrow. He was doing so/so after the exam and they say it's normal for them to dstat for a while afterwards.

Andy held him for the first time today after his eye exam while he was eating. That seemed to calm Zachary some so he wasn't dstating so much after the exam. Andy was very happy to finally be able to hold him.

They weighed him yesterday but I didn't call to get the weight and I forgot to ask today but I'm sure he's up to 4lbs 12+ ounces. He's nearly 5 lbs!. I know he's up to 45 cm almost 18 inches. He's growing fast.

They still swear he doesn't have an active infection of the MRSA just that they found it in his nose. He's progressively having more boogers and snot and sneezing/coughing. The coughing not so much as the sneezing. I personally, think they should do a culture to see if anything is growing in there becuase his oxygen requirements have been slowly getting higher in the low 40s now which he's never needed before. I think tomorrow I'm going to insist they do a culture and blood check to see if he has some kind of active infection something left unchecked can grow into pneumonia.

The nurses just keep on saying he's not exhibiting any of the normal signs of illness. Well that may be true but that doesn't mean he doesn't have something. Green snot usually = some kind of cold/infection etc.

Anyhew.. I'm going to bug them about it tomorrow again. They've always been very good at listening to our concerns and usually act on them before we have a chance to finish asking or they've already done something about what we're asking on. This is the first time they seem to not be concerned. I wish I felt that way I'm just worried he might go from just green snot to something much worse.


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