Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1-07-2009 Zachary update

He's been doing well so far last night and today. He's down at around 30% oxygen which is very good and hopefully he'll get abck down in the mid 20s soon. They're going to lower the liters of the cannula down to 1 litre in the next couple of days.

He's getting his 2 months shots today (poor guy) so hopefully he won't be too fussy since they're letting me try to breastfeed 2 x a day now. Oddly enough immunizations go normally (no adjusted age stuff) so he'll get them at 2, 4 months and so on.

He was enjoying looking around the room today he can only see things up to maybe 2 ft away and not well. Only stuff right up next to his face can he see fairly well. So I got out one of his rattles for him to look at, it's the first time he seemed truly interested in looking at it. So I put it by his head before I left to give him something to stare at while he falls back asleep.

So all in all a good day so far :)


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