Thursday, January 15, 2009

12-15-2009 Zachary update

It's been a crazy past few days his brady's after eating relating to gas/bowel movements and sometimes GURD (reflux) have been getting worse. Some pretty bad where they need to pull out the supplemental oxygen.

He had a pretty bad day with them yesterday and last night today they've been off an on but none too serious that he didn't recover quickly. Trick is to get him to burp very very frequently. Problem is once you stop him BF sometimes he doesn't want to feed after and you know he didn't get enough.

He is definately hard to get to burp a lot of times and that causes him to dstat and then brady so every few sucks he has to be stopped.

He's also sometimes very piggy he acts like he wants more food and then over eats till he spits up. He did that tonight fed himself silly then spit up a lot. Was a like a fountain of milk rofl. So sometimes you can't get him to eat enough and other times he eats too much. I do hope some of these eating issues he grows out of soon.

He's up to 5 lbs 7 ounces he was the same yesterday. Overall for the week he's up though so that's what counts. Still no word on when he'll be coming home and at the rate he's going it'll be mid Februrary I'm guessing unless something turns around significantly.

On a positive note his ROP is now regressing ie. His vessels in his eyes are growing out into Zone 3 finally and not stopping growth in Zone 2. Also, the ridge that started to form on his retina seems to be smoothing out and going away. So it appears that his stage 2 ROP is reversing. Some lucky babies this happens about his gestational age. We won't really know how well they're finished until he's 40 weeks gestational -42ish. His vessels are almost done growing though and they didn't stop early in Zone 2 and that's what the worry is. Very thankful they've continued to grow woot.

Thanks to all who have been following Zach's progress and sending your loving thoughts and prayers! Doubt we'd of gotten this far without them.

Much Love,


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