Sunday, January 11, 2009

1-11-09 Zachary Update

Today the little munchkin is doing well despite the rough week he's had. He went down in weight overnight from 5lbs 6 oz to 5 lbs 2 oz the day before he gained 70 grams so it's not unusual for them to drop the next day usually do to poling times etc. Today was the first time I nursed him without giving him any of the supplemental fortified breastmilk. Only problem I notice is that he feeds for 15 mine needs to be burped.. Gets sleepy or just looks around then in10 mine he wants to eat again and he does this cycle for about an hour and a half I'm having to hide it from the nurses they'd have a cow if the knew I was letting him feed that long instead of giving him supplemental via the tube in his nose. Personally he's had no bradys or destat since I feed him like he wanted today. Whenever we give supplemental after nursing he always destats and sometimes Brady's and is constantly pushing and looks in pain haven't seen any of that today. Just normal gas and nothing that seems to be causing him pain or dicomfort.

So I think tomorrow I'm going to press the issue of more frequent feeding with less amount that way his body can deal with the food better. My daughter was the same way she ate every 2 hours and we never had any issues with her.

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