Tuesday, January 6, 2009

12-06-2008 Zachary Update

He's doing pretty well today and had a good night. He's been in the 30s for oxygen and was down to 31% before I left a bit ago. So hopefully he'll be back down in the 20s soon again. His nose is starting to clear up and although he's still occasionally having to be suctioned it's not nearly as bad as it was.

His breastfeeding today was fairly successful he got half an ounce about the same as he got the first successful time. He's up to 4lbs 15 ounces and gaining more and more each day.

I asked the doctor this morning about his ROP Stage II progression and she said that since he's almost to Zone 3 Growth (ie the vessels almost done growing to the retina) that his ROP just requires monitoring and the slight ridge that's formed should fade in a few weeks - months. So hopefully this next eye exam this week will show that the ROP isn't worsening and hopefully if anything it's getting better. Apparently, where his ROP is it deals with your peripheral vision which is important :P so they're monitoring it closely.

They're saying his lung disease is improving a lot but we may need to start considering him coming home on oxygen. I do hope not as I figure he's still got 3ish weeks to go before homecoming and a lot can happen in 3 weeks.


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