Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2-17-2009 Zachary Update

He seems to be doing well today the doctor called me and said he had some bad Brady's during the night. Everyone went up to watch the CPR video last night so we left around 8pm. He was really tired when we left so I'm guessing that had a lot to do with it. The doctor said she'll be putting him back on oxygen for his feeds he doesn't need it any other time but it should help with the brady's he is having. I'd asked a while back about sending him home on supplemental oxygen at least so I'd have it if it was needed. She seemed ok with that so hopefully we'll have it as long as he needs it for his feeds. Though when I feed him usually he doesn't need it becuase I know the signs of him about to brady and usually catch it. An unfamiliar nurse (They get a different nurse every day usually) would not know to look for his signs and has a greater chance of him bradying. Hence, why he just needs to get out of there. However, there's a lot of things we're starting to have concerns about.

I told Zach’s doctor today that if she didn’t think he was ready to come home in the next few days to prepare to transfer him to Memorial City Hermann. There’s a couple reasons for that… most of the nurses and us don’t feel he needs to be there anymore so if he gets transferred out here where they have limited space they’ll most likely agree and send him home. Secondly, I’m starting to doubt the abilities of his current doctor so .. this is a way of getting a second opinion w/out stepping on toes.

Also, with Alexis (she broke her right hand/knuckles Sunday) in the condition she’s in at the moment she needs a lot of help and I simply can’t be up at the hospital for 36+ hours at a time (I often spend overnight for his feedings). It’s getting too expensive, too time consuming and just a severe drain on the family and we’ve all about hit our limit.

He's overdue for coming home and we all feel a change would be better for him (he's been there now almost 4 months). Not to mention it’s a heck of a lot closer to home for us. He doesn’t need acute care at all so really the hospital is unnecessary at this time which we’re convinced they’ll see.


Christina~ said...

He is looking so beautiful and I know this is such a drain on all of you, just keep your faith, I believe he will be home with you soon. He is such a blessing and in time you will look back on all this and realize that you're one heck of a mother to go through all this for Zachary. Just try to stay strong and hold on a bit longer.

Zelexis Wellings said...

Thanks Chris it's been a struggle and I hate having to force the issue with the doctors but it's like .. why is he here if he's breastfeeding at home and bottle will be used rarely.. so anyhew.. seems like today I got all that resolved thankfully.