Thursday, February 26, 2009

2-25-2009 Zachary Update

Today was Zach's first Pediatrician appointment. They got us back quickly so Zach wouldn't be exposed to germs lord knows the Pedi office is a germ nightmare.

The doctor reviewed the discharge paperwork and we went through everything. Basically, a lot of follow-up appointments with specialists. They weighed him and he's 7lbs 15 ounces, he gained 10 ounces since he's been home that's 2 ounces a day! Honestly, that's crazy awesome gain. The last few weeks at the hospital he was lucky to gain 5 grams a day if not lose. Tells me he wasn't getting enough at the hospital, which doesn't surprise me since they were trying to force the bottle on him. He's 20 inches now too so he's sprouted quickly. I was pretty sure he was going through a growth spurt with all the cluster feedings but now he is for sure.

His adjusted age is 3 weeks old (ie 43 weeks). So he's doing pretty darn well weight wise for his adjusted age.

The doctor agreed with me for taking him off the Reglan. He's been a MUCH better baby since we got him off that awful crap. He's more focused, not antsy during feeds anymore, he just seems more "there". Also, a lot less sleepy. The doctor discussed weening him off the prevacid soon too. That, I'm thinking he kinda does need atm so until he starts solids I'll keep him on it. He's worried about there not being enough acid in the stomach to kill off bacteria which is a valid concern. He's not convinced the reflux is as bad as the doctor was making it seem (I agree). From looking at the radiology report from the upper GI they did it was not significant reflux and minor at best.

So it was a really nice visit, we'll go back in 2 weeks for a follow-up and blood work to make sure all his levels are in check. Preemies have a host of blood work issues that only labs can tell.

He's doing well now at day 6 at home. He sleeps 2-3 hours feeds well sometimes even goes back for seconds :P. We're slowly working in a bottle or 2 so that when Grandma needs to watch him in a few weeks he'll hopefully take it. He's been refusing the bottle since he's been exclusively breastfed at home. That's not always good because we have to give him his vitamins in milk and his other medicine in milk rofl. I've resorted to putting the vitamins in peppermint tea lol that masks it JUST enough that he'll drink it down pretty quickly.

I'll keep you all posted on his progress and update the photos as I have time :)


1 comment:

a said...

good to hear!