Friday, February 13, 2009

2-13-2009 Zachary Update

Well I'd hoped to be saying he'd be coming home this weekend but it clearly does not look like the doctor intends for that to happen. Soo looks like we're stuck here for a while. She still wants his heart rate drops and dstats (oxygen sat) to improve they're not bad persay but sometimes they are moderate/borderline.

He's now on reflux meds and although I have no problem with Zantac persay I've got a problem with the other medicine she has him on. First off I don't think it's necessary and secondly it's a psychotropic drug that can have bad long term effects. Also, there's a class action lawsuit against the makers from parents who say it neurologically damaged their children with clinical evidence. So needless to say I want him off that as soon as he's home. Bad thing is the longer he's on it the more you have to "ween" them off it /sigh. That's one reason I was hoping he'd be going home this weekend so I could call the Pediatrician let him know my concerns and see if 1. there's an alternative, 2. did he think it was really necessary (breast milk goes through the system faster already he doesn't need help with that) and 3. Could I stop him on it becuase I feel it's damaging to him. He is so much more ansty now during feeds it's very difficult sometimes to get him to eat.

So needless to say I'm sick of this place and just about everything that goes with it. I spend way too many hours here but I'm afraid not to. They do give him good care don't get me wrong but he does 110% better when I'm here. That means all the closer he gets to coming home.

Although I'd hoped he'd be home by Valentine's day I guess it wasn't in the cards. Pray for us that we get out of here ASAP.


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