Monday, February 16, 2009

2-16-2009 Zachary Update

Well it was another one of those times where I decided to spend the night and I got only a 30 min nap. Zach decided he wanted to be awake from 5am - 9am during the time I was planning on sleeping. By the time I got him to sleep it was time for me to get breakfast and get working. I had a few meetings today so even though I was tired I still had to attend and try to stay mentally fresh.

Zach's having a mostly good day he's been pooping every day since Saturday. Thankfully that Simply Thick crap is out of his system now. The doctor has made no more mention of when he can go home and I think tomrorow I might press the issue again becuase quite honestly it's getting a bit rediculous at this time. We were past our "countdown" last week and he's had 0 brady's in his sleep which is what she was looking for. His feeding issues really aren't anything that can't be controlled and simply breast feeding him fixes 99% of all his problems. So in order to get him home I just try to breast feed him as frequently as possible so he doesn't have a lot of issues during the bottle feeds. He gets too over eager and chokes on it sometimes etc. On some of the medication they have him on for "reflux" it makes him very antsy during feeds so it makes it a nightmare sometimes to feed him. Thankfully, he usually gets in a kinda sleepy state when he's breastfeeding so I don't always have those problems. Hence the trying to feed him more that way.

He's 7lbs 6.7 ounces so his gains aren't stellar for the week but he's not declining. He's now fully transitioned to breastmilk no longer having it fortified. We just need to make sure he's still gaining weight and doesn't need the fortifier. That may be what the doctor is waiting on (I hope) because that's something we'll know by Weds more or less how he's doing. Not that I want to be here that long ... mind you. We're working on our 4th month here and I'm truly just tired of this place. I work here the past 5 years that's bad enough but to have to be here and sometimes spend the night staying here for 48+ hours is really getting old.

He's considered 42 weeks this week. This is equivalent to when I had Alexis she weighed 8lbs so he's not too far off her weight. I bought him a thing that goes on the side of the crib it's a jungle theme and has the zeebra, lion and giraffe light up, big mirror for the rest of it and it plays jungle theme songs. He has several days now just sat and stared at it for 30+ mins. He laughs at it, smiles at it coos at it. I can say I think the PT would be proud and can say for sure now he doesn't have attention problems lol. That boy can focus qutie well.

Soo.. anyhew he's doing well and gets stronger and bigger every day. I'm very proud of him and all that he does and gets better at each day.

I'll be uploading some photos in a bit there's a ton since the last update.


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