Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2-10-2009 Zachary Update

Zach continues to do well off the oxygen and no more feeding tube since Sunday. He's not needed any supplemental oxygen (that I am aware of and not while I've fed him. He does seem to like to brady some when he's trying to burp/pass gas. The doctor swears that's normal and isn't planning on sending him home with monitors. She says she'd only be concerned if he was bradying in his sleep which he's not.

I finally asked when she thought he'd be going home and she said he's in his "watch" period where for 4 days or so she keeps an eye on him and sees if he'll need supplemental oxygen at home, monitoring and no brady's while he's sleeping. If not and he's continuing to gain weight and eat well she thinks he can be home by end of week - early next week.

He's up to 7lbs 7 ounces and gained very well. He's been steadily eating more and more and almost up to what I would consider normal for his weight. He's up to 70-80 ccs per feed and sometimes feeds inbetween. So he's eating very well now, honestly it's impressive the amount he's been eating and how often. Burping continues to be a problem frequently. I tried a few different bottles/nipples today and I found one that works pretty well w/out overwhelming him. I haven't tried the drop ins yet.

His MRSA has also cleared up for the past few weeks he's come up negative for it which is nice :). We've pretty much gotten everything we need for him to come home I want to get a play gym for his crib as he does seem more interested in things these days. Also, a floor play gym so we can work with him on some things the PT suggested.

He had his hearing test yesterday and the brain scans showed that his hearing is perfect. She gave us a cute little passing paper for his baby book.

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