Thursday, March 4, 2010

Zachary update 3-4-2010

Hi all here's an update on how Zachary's doing now 13 months (gest) 16 months actual.
He's finally cut a molar (it's just peaking through) but the sleepless nights from it are over for the moment. Only a bunch to go o.O.

We're working with the OT, PT, Developmental Specialist and bringing in a Speech therapist. His OT needs are lessening as his fine motor hand skills come along. He's still not walking so the PT gave hims some inserts and shoes to wear an hour a day to get him used to standing properly without being on his tippy toes. Just in two days of wearing them he looks much better when he's standing. He's been standing really well up to 30+ seconds w/out holding onto anything he just can't seem to get the steps down. His left leg he'll try but his right leg he's not shifting his weight off of it to actually move.

He's been more verbal lately but we've no idea what he's saying :P He'll often say Mom, Momma when he wants something but that's about the only thing he regularly says. That and "no" shaking of the head lol he loves to do that. Zach is exerting his will more and getting some "terrible twos" behavior. No full-blown tantrums yet but definitely some fits of anger, screams, crys, scratching, biting you name it :P

He's still sticking everything in his mouth to our dismay. He's chewed the furniture, books, pens and everything else he can possibly get his hands on. Sometimes I wonder if a puppy would be not as bad o.O.

He's still a great eater and starting to learn how to feed himself with a spoon. He's not doing too badly with the spoon other than the occasional miss and getting food all over his forehead.

It's been a month now since I've been going back into the office 1-2 days a week. So far he's enjoying the time with Amanda and Cohen so that's a great relief while I'm at the office for long hours. I miss him but he's having a great time and she does a great job with him. Zach definitely is interested in other babies he is constantly trying to have contact with them in restaurants etc. The only thing keeping him out of daycare is the walking issue. Sadly the day cares will put him with the infants instead of toddlers if he's not walking yet it's just one of their policies. He meets every other requirement except the walking. The PT thinks probably in about 2 months he'll be walking which that's not too bad :) As long as he's walking by the time Amanda has to go back to work we're good which should be August.

If you haven't checked out the flickr photos in a while check them out. We got photos taken early February and they turned out really cute. Family is good we're just really busy! Until next time,


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