Saturday, January 30, 2010

1-30-2010 Zachary Update

Well Zachary is fast approaching his "gestational" 1 year. I'm calling it his re-birthday lol. He was originally due the week of my birthday :P So for my birthday we'll prob have a small re-celebration for him. We still need to adjust probably only for another year or two then he'll be caught up more or less.

He's currently cruising around furniture with really good command. His specialists and myself really believe he could walk on his own (without hanging onto things) but it seems to be a confidence issue atm. It's funny you hand him something that takes his mind off of holding onto furniture (like handing him a cup) and he'll stand there without leaning/holding onto anything for support. When he realizes he's standing by himself he immediately sits. It's kinda funny.

He also loves to climb. Anything and everything is a climbing opportunity. He'll climb up on chairs, on boxes, the stairs and even to the point where he'll reach up, grab on things.. be hanging off (feet not touching the floor) LOL. He's so capable of walking he's just got some fear of it.

He's got several words he can say in addition to vehemently shaking his head "no" when he doesn't like something. So far I've heard him say "Mom, Momma, Dad, dada, my and i want (only said it once). He's said a few other things not sure if it's random but not consistent or clear enough for me to tell what it is.

He's definitely sleeping better through the night now. Goes to be anywhere from 9pm -10:30 and wakes up 8-9amish. If he's going to Amanda's he will generally get up at 6:30am without much trouble.

He's also pretty much done breastfeeding. He had started to only do it early in the morning or late at night when he wanted to go to sleep. He's no longer wanting that anymore either. He used to cry and be upset if he wasn't able to nurse before sleep but he's stopped that all together now. When he hits his soft blanket in his crib he closes his eyes and looks for his stuffed bear and that's all he wants. He also likes to cocoon himself in his blanket (just like his dad I might add). Freaks me out he likes to roll up in it like a taco LOL. His dad has ALWAYS been that way.. so weird.. well the weird part is they like the blanket OVER their head. That's what really scares me. I always pull it off/down but seriously I swear they are clones sometimes :P.

Zachary is definitely into just about anything he can reach or climb to. Thankfully, the house is pretty safe from little guys. He loves opening the cabinets and playing with the pots, pans, bowls and then drumming on them. He loves playing on the full sized keyboard we have. I put it on Andy's desk, put him in his boppy and he just has a blast. Pretty much anything that's musical he loves. Ohh and he's started dancing it's really cute. He has this stand up activity table that plays music etc with all the things you can press. Depending on the song its playing he'll stand there and dance to it, it's super cute to watch.

Electronics ohh my! This boy loves anything with buttons, lcd screens etc. He's going to want a laptop of his own at age 2 LOL. We got him the spongebob laptop and he likes that well enough. The funny thing is that's for a 7 yr old LOL. He's constantly taking our phones, mice, well anything that can make something happen on the computer. He loves keyboards still. He's smart and knows what buttons will give some kind of window/etc on the screen. He's also adept at taking Alexis's keyboard keys off lol!

So needless to say he's a handful atm. He's been going to Amanda's for a few weeks now and seems to be doing well. So I'm not so "sad" or worried about him going to a sitter for the day while I'm at work. He needs the emotional connections with other people too and it's good for him to be able to see another baby "Cohen" I'm sure they'll have many good years of playing together :).

Well back to painting the older kid's room etc :)


1 comment:

Christina~ said...

Glad he is doing so wonderful! I need to make a trip down soon and see you and the kiddos :)