Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Zachary Update 12-09-2008

Hi all well just got off the phone with his nurse and she says he's resting comfortably in his blue snuggy that I bought him. Don't think he's been awake enough to enjoy his new rattles that our friends Jason and Laurel bought for him but when I go up next I'll be sure to take photos (I'll try to get him to hold one :P).

They've lowered his vent settings to 22 bpm and he's at 29% oxygen so they're weening him much slower this time than last time. I think after the fluid in his lungs due to the PDA still being open they're giving his lungs more time to acclimate. The xrays etc came back ok his tube is still placed where it needs to be (it's not coming out like last several times) and there's no more fluid etc that can be seen. The medicine did it's job.

They're still giving him supplements for potassium and sodium and he'll probably continue needing them as long as he's getting diuretics to help close the PDA.

His weight is still 2lbs 14 ounces and his length is up to 16 1/4 inches. The nurse said they probably won't go up on his feeding amounts until he's off the ventilator.

I asked a nurse the other day what the progression from the highest level NICU to the lower levels is. She said that usually they go from the ventilator to the CPAP and some kids ween off CPAP quickly. She said after they get him off CPAP he'll just be on oxygen in the nose and that's when they normally move them to the lower level (less acute) NICU and start them on bottle feeding/breast feeding etc. So we've still got a ways to go but I'm sure things will be much better by the end of December.

I've added a lot of photos to the Flickr site (check out the other public photos) if you want to see some of our recent Tree Farm and Tree Decorating day. I've also got photos up of Zach in his blue snuggy :) it's really cute.


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