Thursday, December 4, 2008

Zachary Update 12-04-2008

Just got off the phone with the nurses and he's having a good day today. From yesterday afternoon he was at 35 bpm for his respirator at 26-30% oxygen which was better than it had been but he still had a way to go. This morning at 5am they turned it down to 30 bpm and then a little while ago they were able to take him down to 25 bpm which is stellar! Once he's back down to 20 bpm they will start to try to ween him off the respirator again! He's bouncing back faster this time than he did last time after he extubated. Hopefully he makes it on CPAP this time before he extubates. So he's on 26% oxygen and the low respirator settings and breating mostly on his own thankfully. His blood gas tests have come back good so he's tolerating the new settings well.

She said he's tolerating the 21 ccs of milk 8 x a day well and they may go up on his feeds in the next few days which is great news. He's needing a little more sodium in his diet atm but that's mostly due to the fluid restrictions so they can close the PDA. So he's doing well overall and getting better each day!



Unknown said...

Praise the Lord. He is SUCH a cutie!!!! :)

Unknown said...

That is awesome news!

Zelexis Wellings said...

We're so happy he's doing better every day!