Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2-3-2009 Zachary Update

He was pretty tired today what from no idea he had a good night the previous night. He's up to 6lbs 14.4 ounces so just barely under 7lbs. Monday one of his labs came back that they thought maybe had a Vitamin D deficiency but the X-rays did not show any breaking down of the bones. So he doesn't have Rickets or anything along those lines. The labs were just elevated and there are more things than just vitamin D that can cause the labs to be off. They'll monitor it and hopefully that won't continue. His Calcium and Phosphorus levels are good.

He finally went in for his routine MRI today I asked to go with just to see what it was like. Kinda boring TBH lol. Very loud and boring. He did fine the first half of the scan the second part that the MRI machine made some loud ticking noise upset him a lot to where all he did was scream. Bear in mind he was velcroed down and he was still finding a way to move lol. So they only got half his brain scanned and the hope is that's all the doctors need. Otherwise, he'll have to go back down for the other half and hopefully he'll be more cooperative or they'll have to sedate him. I kinda doubt they're going to ask for another MRI since it was just a routine/checking to make sure all is ok scan.

His oxygen is usually around 21% (what we breathe) last few days so that's good only having to be bumped up a few times. He's had a few more issues with spitup getting caught in his throat (mostly from him pushing to try to get out gas/poo) so that's a new not pleasant development. He brady's pretty hard when this happens and the worry always is he'll get some of it in his lungs. Thankfully, nothing in his lungs and we've able to get him to overcome the bradys/dstats pretty well.

I got in the mail the request from the doctors for how long they have requested him to stay and it has it through Feb. 11th. So he'll probably be there through at least then. I'm getting more and more feeling he'll be there past that date. He's just not progressing on his feeds well enough to get that tube out. Today he was mostly fed by tube all day just too tired to breastfeed or bottle feed. So we'll see, he's doing well overall and a few setbacks here and there but nothing to be unexpected. I feel pretty blessed that we've dodged a few huge bullets and just pray we can overcome these few milestones that are left to get him home and get him on a more normal baby schedule.


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