Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Updates :) May 31, 2011

Well it's been a while since I've updated the blog nothing huge has been going on other than a lot of growing and a bottomless pit stomach :).

He's been working with a speech therapist now for 4 months or so and it's made a HUGE difference. He's constantly asking about new objects for the words, trying new words and able to say the items on many of his flash cards. He loves playing the memory game on the ipad. Course he also thinks the ipad is his mini computer... lol. Future MIT student in the works (we can hope). He's very mechanically inclined and if there is something that moves or does some action he must study it and see how it works.

Saturday, May 5-28-2011 Zach asked his dad if he could go in the bathroom and use the potty. He actually used it.. #1 .. but it's a start. Sadly, he didn't ask the rest of the weekend but I'll take it. I tried to get him to use it several times after but nada. Now if we could just get him doing it consistently that'd be wonderful. I'll take little by little, step by step.. it's better than nothing. He's 2 1/2 and that's not bad at all especially born as early as he was.

The terrible two's are hitting full force lately. We're hearing a lot of "Noooah" .. "NOOOOOO!" ... etc.. Time outs are a daily occurrence.
Overall he's a loving, sweet boy but definitely has his moments. He just moved up to the 2-3s room the next step before pre-school woot. Once he's potty trained fully they'll probably move him up from there, that may take a while.

Zach loves the pool and water.. no matter how much he shivers he refuses to get out. Generally, I just have to tell him he needs to get out and get warm. Bathtime is his next favorite activity.. or just running around naked LOL.

So that's what's new :) ... hope you all out there in cyber land are doing well!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Zachary Updates woo :)

Well it's been pretty quiet as he eats 6-7 meals a day and is growing like a weed .. upwards :) but tonight he was doing some pretty amazing things!

Well tonight he started counting to .. 2 first time ever. Then he stacked blocks 6 high (tried to go higher but they tumbled) I think he was trying to impress me so I wouldn’t put him back in bed. He’s in his new room now and his crib has been converted to the day bed (middle transition it has) … which we’re having a problem keeping him in it. Some times he’s fine other nights like tonight he just wants to get up and play. So he started climbing HIGH on his furniture.. no fear I swear.. so he could change the CD in the CD player.. no joke. Apparently, he got sick of listening to the Daycare music cds.. He started doing the “yes” head movement tonight as well and then motioning that he was hungry and just using more hand signals and words than he ever has. Guess he had a brain explosion today or something. He’s never been so communicative where we could actually understand him. He’s also found that taking apart appliances, toys with screw drivers is fun… unscrewing lenses off things taking the 5 pieces apart, trying to put them back together.. We did get him a construction kit /bench etc for Christmas but he’d much prefer the real thing o.O. Anyone know of an Engineering based pre-school? :P hehe

He fights sleep so badly now that he can just get out of his bed. He's also started where he wants us in his room or to be in our room to fall asleep o.O. We always read him a book at night but now he's asking for more books etc.

He's getting sneakier, more cunning and really coming into his own ohh and saying NOaaaaa.. NOaaaaa... just like his older sister.. but with a more whiny pitiful voice lol. Love some of the new things.. could do without some of the others.

Live keeps on movin' :)
