Saturday, April 10, 2010

Zachary's Big Day!

Well after coming home from a long day at work Zachary smiled and greeted me then decided to walk 4 steps from me toward the other side of the kitchen. All of us stood watching in amazement this boy who can barely walk with you holding his hand he's just starting that. Nope he decided he was going to trek out on his own!

If that wasn't enough in one day to try he started clapping .. well half clapping his left hand against his steady right hand. He definitely has some right side issues.. That may be because the left side of his brain still hasn't caught up we knew from the MRIs large sections of his brain hadn't grown yet when we took him home. The Right side of his brain (left body) is much more developed and the differences you can see are huge now!

So 4 Steps woot! and Clapping..

Later after dinner I was singing just randomly (yeah I do that a lot) Baby You Got What I Neeeeeeeed. He sang back.. Oh Baby you ... LOL was really cute.

So we're wondering what other amazing things he'll do in one day! His OT, PT, Dev Spec /Speech therapist will be very happily surprised!

Now to keep nurturing the steps to becoming walking he's still scared of falling. Then pray we can keep up with him!

Molar updates.. Left side top /bottom are about half way in. The right side are poking through but not fully in yet.

So that's my update for today :)
