Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15, 2009 Zachary Update

Hi all it's been a while since an update mostly due to the fact we haven't had any doctor visits but we'll have one coming up next month.

Last week he got his regular flu shot (don't worry not touching that H1N1 flu vaccine with a 10 foot pole). The flu shot I got him was the themerisol free one (preservative free) that's also the same one we get for everyone in the family. He did spike a low grade fever and slept most the next day but after that he was fine. We're supposed to get a second dose but I don't think I will. Everyone in the house will be regular flu vaccinated and he doesn't go out in public all that much enough to warrant it imo. We get enough toxins every day w/out adding more to our kids through questionable vaccines that can't be proven to be effective or not.

So.... He's up to 4 teeth now he just cut another one on the top. This one is one of his main front teeth it's huge lol. That explains his recent fussiness and chewing everything in sight.

No idea what he weighs but I'm guessing 18-19 lbs easy or more. He's currently wearing size 12 months clothes and up to size 18 mo pants. He wears size 3 baby shoes.

We still work with an OT weekly and will have a consult with a developmental specialist and a PT just to see if we're on track since he'll be 1 on 11/04. He's finally getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth like he wants to crawl but just can't quite get it down yet. Alexis did that for months and never did crawl. I imagine he will since he's a very feisty, mobile baby. Zachary is into everything at all times you have to watch him like a hawk. He's very curious and wants to put everything in his mouth or stick his fingers in it .. like light sockets. I have covers on them all but you take one on off to plug something in and he goes for it like bees to honey lol.

He's definitely more needy these days and constantly cries. "Mama ma ma ma Mama" until I come back into view no matter how close I may be lol. He gets frustrated a lot when he can't do something. His brain is far ahead of his motor skills and you can tell that really frustrates him. I imagine he's got the problem like people who've had some kind of accident and the brain is willing but the body is not. He knows what he wants to do but just can't quite get his body to do it.

He still tries to play on a computer no matter where you are or what you're doing and he'll fight you for it so he can whack on the keys lol. I did fine a few nice infant games on the pc but he still hits the windows key a lot and it does all kinds of crazy things. He's really a lot of fun even if a bit wild hehe. Kinda like my personality but looks like Andy. However, there are times he has patience like Andy so .. there's aspects of both personalities in there.

He loves to walk around in his walker.. and I don't mean sit he actually stands up and walks with it. You'd think he could do that w/out the walker but he can hold onto furniture but not go anywhere. Put him in the walker and he's all over the place. Technically, he's a bit too big for the walker now but he loves it so I keep it for him.

So overall, he's been doing really well and other than that one low grade fever he had after the flu shot he's not been sick. He definitely has dust mite allergies and we found that he's allergic to peas (but only skin topically) so it's not even that bad. He can eat them we just need to try to not get them on his skin (easier said than done). I'll be uploading more photos on flickr shortly. I'll make sure to take some photos of him in his monkey costume for Halloween (same one I made for Alexis all those years ago).
