Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Zachary Update 5-19-2009

Zachary is doing well and growing big! He's 13 lbs now and getting long. Think last visit he was over 24 inches. His eyes are very brown now and more the color of his father's eyes. He wears 3-6 mo clothing and is starting to fit into the 6th months clothes. He grows like a weed! He's still bald as can be with some peach fuzz on the head.

He's babbling/talking more, we think he says I luv oooo which is cute! He does a lot of gaaa gooo as well we're not very sure what gaaaa gooo is but it's used for several situations with him. Sometimes he'll just randomly yell now Woaaaaah or Oweiiiii lol. Startles you if it's really quiet then he does that.

He's still mostly breastfeeding with a bit of solids mixed in. I'm going very slow with the table food because he can still greatly benefit from the breastmilk till he's gestationally 6 mo. He's gest about 3 3/4 months now.

All his doc visits have been good. The docs been impressed with his growth, he's almost on the full-term growth chart. The doc believes by the time he's 9 mo gest he'll have caught up. Preemies tend not tocatch up to their full-trem counterparts till they're 2 - 5 yrs old, so it's remarkable he's caught up so fast.

The other day I was dropping off some paperwork and the lady who was taking the papers was watching a girl that was born 3 days before Zach and full-term. Well she was 12 lbs and maybe 1-2 inches longer than Zach. Zach was nearly 2x her size width wize and they looked about the same age. Even though Zach is actually 6 mo old he's gestationally 3 mo at that time. However, put him with a full-term 6 mo old and they don't look too different in size and he was actually bigger 1lb bigger lol. The major thing you notice though is he's more appropriate activity level of a 3 mo old he's not crawling, or rolling and he's just now starting to batt at, grab for etc toys. Only in the last 2 weeks he's mastered thumb sucking for the first time ever. He still can't pull things to his mouth other than my hair lol but he's starting to try.

Ohhh and he's teething hardcore! Sometimes he gets low-grade fevers 99 or so and he's miserable but man he's trying to chew his fingers and yours off if you'll let him lol. I'm going to start calling him chompers lol.

He loves watching other babies he seems facinated by them. He's very curious and seems really smart. Cognitively he's at a 4-5 mo level, motor wise he's at a 3 mo level. He's slowly improving on the motor side. Communication is his strong suit and it continues to be where he excells.

He's pretty much like any other typical baby at this age and he's getting better about sleeping at night.
