Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zachary Update 8-19-2009

Zach had another appointment with the Pedi on Friday. He's up to 15.8 lbs almost 16 lbs !! That boy is a good eater. He's barely touching the full-term growth chart and about 6-7 months adjusted in age. His Pedi is so happy with his progress we don't have to go back and see him until Zach is 1 yr old. We haven't gotten labs back but it should no longer show some slight anemia we've been giving him high iron foods and putting vitamin in with iron for a while now.

He's playing with his toes/feet a lot more and loves to feed himself finger foods. He's now grabbing at the spoon a lot trying to feed himself (I guess we go too slow).
I'm still breastfeeding him and I'll continue it at least until he's gestationally 1 yr old or as long as I can. He's got a 2 toothy grin now it's really cute when he laughs. I've been trying to get a photo of it but every time I get the camera ready for a shot he makes a weird face at the camera lol.

He's spent a pretty good summer with Alexis and I and it's going to be hard when she goes back to school. She's been a real help with him while I work during the day!
He's also 26 inches now and wearing 9mo - 12mo clothing so he's getting big fast!

He's not yet crawling but he's getting close. The OT got him to sit tripod today on his own so that was a great achievement. Hopefully, he'll be able to do more than just prop up on his arms soon but that's better than he's been. He's a little behind motor skill wise but cognitive he's advanced even for actual age. The OT believes his love of eating is helping that along.

So all in all he's doing quite well and he's starting to get bored with a lot of his toys etc we're going to have to get some upgrades soon to keep him occupied :).